This part is standard practice. The backend has a video streaming server where the content gets pushed via a client-side streaming software. This can use UDP or TCP. It depends on how it is configured. If the content will be made available later, it is most likely using TCP.

This part is standard practice. The backend has a video streaming server where the content gets pushed via a client-side streaming software. This can use UDP or TCP. It depends on how it is configured. If the content will be made available later, it is most likely using TCP. 1. UDP is the more efficient protocol, so try selecting that one first. For most users it works the best for most applications. If you encounter no problems with using UDP then stick with that option. 2. If you do encounter some issues using UDP (e.g. being blocked by a campus or workplace firewall or ISP, etc.) try TCP. Remember: unless there is a reason to use TCP, UDP is often preferable over TCP due to UDP having lower overhead. Many protocols that transmit potentially large amounts of data (exceeding one packet) use TCP for simplicity of handling flow control of multiple packets. Mar 02, 2011 · TCP does reliability for you. UDP lets you implement whatever form of reliability you want in the application. For DNS, you can do a much better job implementing DNS-specific forms of reliability. For example, if you have multiple nameservers, just move on to the next one instead of trying to retransmit packets to the first one that fails. UDP takes datagram from Network Layer, attach its header and send it to the user. So, it works fast. Actually UDP is null protocol if you remove checksum field. When to use UDP? Reduce the requirement of computer resources. When using the Multicast or Broadcast to transfer. The transmission of Real-time packets, mainly in multimedia applications. The TCP protocol requires that a packet that was not delivered must be check, verified and redelivered. UDP does not use this requirement. So if you sent a file which contains millions of packets using UDP, like a video, if some of the packets are missing upon delivery, they will most likely go unmissed.

Different Applications of TCP and UDP Web browsing, email and file transfer are common applications that make use of TCP. TCP is used to control segment size, rate of data exchange, flow control and network congestion. TCP is preferred where error correction facilities are required at network interface level.

TCP was split into TCP and IP to allow applications that didn't need TCP's complexity to bypass it, using the much simpler UDP instead as a transport layer protocol instead. This was an important step in the development of the TCP/IP protocol suite, since there are several important protocols for which UDP is ideally suited, and even some where The Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) is the most commonly used TCP/IP application as it transfers web pages from a web server to a web browser. Web pages are written using HTML, which stands for Hypertext Markup Language. In other words, the HTTP is used to transfer HTML files. UDP can support many more client at the same time thanks to the lack of connection state. The TCP has Receive and Send buffers, Sequence and Acknowledge Number Parameters and congestion-control parameter. Don’t think it is so dangerous using UDP, you can add extra protection on the application layer. An application can use it and it can be

Jun 26, 2014 · As to why you can't use only one protocol, TCP or UDP, the answer has to do with the engineering choices made by the designers of SQL Server. Perhaps it will help if we look at the difference between the two protocols.

UDP can support many more client at the same time thanks to the lack of connection state. The TCP has Receive and Send buffers, Sequence and Acknowledge Number Parameters and congestion-control parameter. Don’t think it is so dangerous using UDP, you can add extra protection on the application layer. An application can use it and it can be Hey guys, My company is working on ownclod developing recently days. We are study on the spark-protocol source code, and find out that, it’s using and CoAP protocol. And we searched a lot of CoAP applications, they are using UDP with CoAP. I was woundering that, why “spark-protocol” using with COAP not UDP? And, if we want to use UDP instead of to connect